1-1 Executive Coaching

As a CEO or business owner, do you ever feel like you are leading from within an isolated bubble, floating high above the action in your organization?

The antidote is 1-1 Executive Coaching with Meredith and her team, which provides:


A coach can offer an outside perspective that a CEO may not get from within their organization. Oftentimes, we can’t see what we don’t see. Embrace shared awareness and gain new insights into your leadership style, decision-making processes and overall approach to running the business. You don’t have to have all the answers.


A coach can become an asset as an accountability partner in holding you accountable for achieving your goals and staying focused on what’s most important to you. Coaching ensures that you are making progress and staying on track toward your objectives. Without judgment, you will learn how you sometimes get in your own way and how you can course-correct.


We can help you develop new skills and behaviors to make you a more effective leader. This can include communication skills, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking and more. You can embrace being an ongoing learner.


Being a CEO or owner can be lonely and stressful. A coach can provide emotional support and guidance to help you navigate your unique challenges and maintain your well-being. You no longer feel alone.

Want to drive better results for your organization by becoming a better version of yourself? Let’s talk so we can design a custom platform for you.

Everyone deserves a chance
to better themselves!

My mission is empowering others to believe in themselves through perseverance, humor and compassion.