Dare to Lead™

Upcoming Event Dates
Winter 2022: Thursday, January 20, 2022 & Friday, January 21, 2022
Summer 2022: Thursday, June 23, 2022 & Friday, June 24, 2022
Meredith Eicher, Events, Lacey Dicharry Dare to Lead Coaching Baton Rouge Louisiana

Dare to Lead™ with Meredith Eicher & Lacy Dicharry, MS, MBA

I am partnering with Lacy Dicharry, a certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator, to host a series of Dare to Lead™ events based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown. Leadership is not limited to a position. Everyone can lead. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a CEO, a team leader, a parent, or a friend, Dare to Lead™ leadership training and coaching will give you the tools and skills necessary to become a courageous leader and transform how you live and lead.

It is a fantastic opportunity to work with skilled and certified coaches to transform how you live and lead. The Dare to Lead (TM) Workshop will consist of two full days in person, and two 3-hour virtual sessions. All materials and links will be emailed one week in advance of the event start date.

What You Will Takeaway

  • An increased understanding of how personal values guide leadership, communication and decision making.
  • An understanding of how trust is built and destroyed in organizations, and what you can do to ensure trust in your team.
  • Navigate change with self-command, mental agility and emotional intelligence.
  • Embrace inclusive leadership to cultivate a culture of belonging.
  • Increase communication skills for hard conversations, engaged feedback and strategic clarity.
  • Reprogram your internal self-talk removing the messages of self-doubt.
  • Foster trust and psychological safety so that reasonable failures and setbacks are seen as a part of innovation and growth.
  • Working through our challenges together, we will naturally inspire one another. Allowing space for creative solutions and practice, the experience is transformative.
  • CEs are available for submission to professional boards for leadership CEs. All participants who complete the full 24 hours will receive a DTL Trained certificate and LinkedIn DTL badge.

Dare to Lead: Register Today!

Winter 2022: Thursday, January 20, 2022 & Friday, January 21, 2022
Registration Deadline: January 13, 2022
Summer 2022: Thursday, June 23, 2022 & Friday, June 24, 2022
Registration Deadline: June 17, 2022
Co-facilitator, Lacy Dicharry, MS, MBA
Instroductory Rate - $950.00

Location: TBA - Baton Rouge, LA
The Dare to Lead (TM) Workshop will consist of two full days in person, and two 3-hour virtual sessions.
Materials and links will be emailed one week in advance of the training start date.